Innovative Journalism

Via Threat Level on August 6, 2008:

Threat Level is one of four finalists in the 2008 Knight-Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism for our readers’ work digging up over 100 self-serving anonymous edits performed by corporations and governments on Wikipedia.

Readers used WikiScanner to uncover the shenanigans: that’s the searchable web mash-up crafted by CalTech graduate student and internet superhero Virgil Griffith. Griffith merged a database of Wikipedia edits with internet address records, allowing anyone to search on the name of a company or agency, and see all of the anonymous Wikipedia edits made from its address space.

When Griffith announced the tool last August, we realized that a lot of chicanery could now be exposed with a little effort. So we set up a Reddit widget and asked you to do all the work. You submitted the Wikipedia manipulation you uncovered, and voted up the most shameful whitewash jobs.